Machinery Bushing, Regular, 18 Gauge (Light)
Machinery Bushings Washers are essentially washers that come in different gauges (thicknesses) for various outside diameters (OD) and inside diameters (ID). Machinery Bushings Washers reduce wear between moving parts, prevent marring of finishes, and are used for accurate spacing on any type of rod or shaft. Available in regular and wide rim (large OD) styles. 18 Gauge is considered "light" and is 0.042-0.054" thick; 14 Gauge, "medium," is 0.068-0.082"; and 10 Gauge is "heavy" and is 0.126-0.142" thick.

Specification Requirements:
● Dimensions:See dimensions above.
● Available Materials:
– Low carbon, mild steel.
● Available Finishes:
– Plain w/light protective oil.
– Zinc plated clear (ZC).
– Zinc plated yellow (YZ).
– Customized.